The Gamma Squeeze: Unraveling Its Influence on the Stock Market

In the dynamic world of stock trading, the term “gamma squeeze” is something you may have come across when the investment gurus are talking about crazy stock market swings.  At its core, a gamma squeeze is a complex phenomenon that occurs when an increase in the price of a stock leads to “required buying activity” …

Understanding The SAVE Plan For Student Loan Borrowers

The SAVE plan is the result of the plan President Biden revealed in 2022 to help people who owe money from student loans, something he promised during his campaign. The main part of this plan was supposed to cancel $10,000 to $20,000 of student loan debt for some people, but the US Supreme Court did not …

Will the Stock Market Crash Soon? Analyzing the Possibility and Preparing for the Potential

Will the stock market crash? That is the Trillion Dollar question. A lot of pundits are predicting that the stock market will crash in 2023; however nobody knows for sure. In this article, I will take a look at some of the factors going on in the second half of 2023 that could cause a …

Unlocking the Future: Investing in Artificial Intelligence Startups

The world is on the cusp of a technological revolution, and artificial intelligence (AI) is at the forefront. Just like the internet boom of the 1990s, investing in artificial intelligence startups has the potential to yield massive returns for early investors who recognize this transformative opportunity and can successfully create a portfolio of stocks that …

Delta Hedging – Why the Stock Market Falls Fast

Have you ever wondered why, when the stock market falls, it seems to fall very quickly and hard? You may believe it is because investors are their selling stocks to “get out” when they get scared the market could keep falling. That may be true but that is only part of the answer. The rapid …

Managing Risk in a Volatile Market: How LEAPS Can Capitalize on the Next Bank Failure

Investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds is taught as a wise decision for investors who want their money to work for them and increase their wealth. However, the recent bank failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank on March 10, 2023, have highlighted the risks investors face when investing in potentially …

Important considerations when deciding on an investment advisor to manage your money

Accumulating wealth is not easy, and it often takes years of hard work, sacrifice, and perseverance to build up a sizeable portfolio. For many people, and likely you since you are reading this right now, your wealth represents your hopes and dreams for the future, a way to achieve financial security and freedom and live …

The Secret Weapon To Increasing Retirement Income

When you work hard but are sacrificing the enjoyment of your earnings today to build an investment portfolio that will generate income tomorrow, enabling you to be financially free, you want to plan for that portfolio to generate as much income as possible with the least amount of risk. The last thing you want to …

Seeing Through the Haze: Uncovering the True Cost of Owning Long-Term Care Insurance

The Challenges of Planning for Long-Term Care As we age, we may find ourselves facing new challenges, such as declining health and the need for long-term care services. This can be a difficult and overwhelming time for individuals and their families, as the emotional and financial cost of long-term care can be incredibly high. Long-term …