The Secret Weapon To Increasing Retirement Income

When you work hard but are sacrificing the enjoyment of your earnings today to build an investment portfolio that will generate income tomorrow, enabling you to be financially free, you want to plan for that portfolio to generate as much income as possible with the least amount of risk. The last thing you want to …

Determining Break Even on Social Security Income

The factors you should be looking at when considering how long it will take you to break-even when you wait to take Social Security retirement are more involved than you may think. First of all, the decision of whether or not to take social security benefits as early as possible, the month you turn 62, …

Benefits of Waiting Past Full Retirement Age to Receive Social Security Retirement

What are the benefits of waiting past full retirement age to start taking Social Security retirement income? The year you were born determines when you are considered to reach full retirement age for Social Security purposes.  At full retirement age you are eligible for 100% of your primary insurance benefit. A fully insured worker is …

The Cost of Taking Social Security Before Full Retirement

How much Social Security retirement income will you lose if you take benefits early? The Social Security system is set up so that eligible workers and the beneficiaries of deceased eligible workers can start taking Social Security Benefits as early as age 62; age 60 for a spouse of a deceased worker.  This can sound …